If you’ve hung around here for any amount of time, you know I am a fan of the beautiful book-style magazine, iola.
I’ve had the honor of being a guest contributor for several issues and am so pleased to have another piece included in the latest change issue available NOW!

Here is a sneak peek at my poem, “Through the Changes that Crescendo.”
We long for the lasting, the known, the constant.
So we paint life as we please,
With familiarity and predictability surrounding us
To give us an effortless ease.
We find flow and freedom
In the routines and rhythms we arrange and expect.
But change crashes in and crescendos
Into a reverberating noise that ricochets within us.
It rips us from the idols we’ve made, pulling us out to sea,
Where we find ourselves chained to our comforts.
We are stretched, exhausted, and disoriented…
Until we realize the chains shackling us are our choices.
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Happy reading!
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