Writing is a transformative practice. Whether you write for yourself in a journal or for others in a blog post or book, writing moves and shapes us. If you’re like me, maybe you fully feel what Flannery O’Connor once wrote:
I don’t know what I think until I write it down.
Flannery O’Connor
The words we write matter. Your words matter. And if you have ever considered starting a blog or writing a book or sharing your meaningful words with others in any number of ways, I want to cheer you on and help equip you to stop waiting and start writing.
So I’m sharing…
3 Resources to Help You Get Started & Find Success in Your Writing—TODAY!
1. Discover Your Writing Stage
If you want to make writing progress, the good news is that there is a path and you’re already on it!
Take this 30-second quiz from hope*writers to discover your writing stage so you can learn what to do next. Click the button below.

2. Ask Yourself These 10 Questions Before Writing a Book
Are you thinking of writing a book? If yes this is a resource you need! If not, skip to the next one and see what you think.
Hope*writers created this free handy guide of 10 questions to ask yourself before you write your book.

3. Join *This* Writing Community
You might already know, writing can be a lonely journey. And you might already be to the point where Google is just not cutting it anymore when it comes to helping you grow as a writer and make progress in your writing.
You need to find your writing people. You need hope*writers.
I joined hope*writers over 4 years ago—and as I often say, I don’t think I’ll ever leave! It has helped me THAT much in my own writing life. And more than helping me make progress in my writing, they gave me the support and community I needed.

Note: hope*writers only opens its doors to new members a few times a year.
Want to know more about my experience with hope*writers, if its right for you, or when membership doors will open again? Click the button below.

Happy writing friends!

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